Now I am working on Tubey from Knitty.com for M's best friend's wife. It's my first sweater and it's going pretty quickly. I just hope she likes it. The yarn is Mission Falls 1824 Cotton that I received for winning the Crazy Aunt Purl contest last year. So far it's going well and much faster than anticipated, even though I've made a few changes and am having to rework the stripes to fit the amounts of each shade of yarn that I have.
My niece's visit was wonderful. She has become such an interesting and well grounded person. I do love her very much.
I've been nostalgic a lot of the time lately and I have a tentative project in mind that melds nicely with nostalgia, so hopefully it will bear fruit. If so, you'll see it here.
Oh, and I'm trying to work my sparse Super Summer Sun Hat notes into a pattern/tutorial that will also be posted here as soon as it's in a form anyone other than me can make use of.