Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Anyway, the class went reasonably well, I suppose, but I don't think it's going to give me what I need to get a certification, so it looks like I'm going back to studying more on my own as well as taking the class. And I still have almost half of my Christmas knitting to finish up. The feather and fan scarf/wrap I'm working on is just not seeming to grow at a rate I find acceptable, so instead of working at it more diligently, I become frustrated and set it aside. Foolish, non?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Phone Gnome pattern
A Knitting pattern by Eve Self
Inspired by the iGnome, which can be found for purchase here:
Materials needed:
· Worsted weight yarn in red, blue, pink, brown, black, flesh tone and white. Not much of any color is required.
· Knitting needles, size 6 straights and DPNs. I used size 6 for a firmer fabric.
· 2 beads for eyes, thread and needle to sew them on.
· Snap fastener tool and 4 sets of snap fasteners (only the ‘male’ portion of two of the sets will be used)
· 2 1” X1/4” pieces of wood or metal (to keep the bottoms of the boots flat)
· Tiny scraps of backing fabric for snaps
· Fabric glue (optional)
I got a cheap cellphone and, of course, my first thought was “What can I knit for it?” I remembered seeing a gnomish cellphone cozy on Ravelry, but when I looked again I saw that it was crocheted. I don’t know how to crochet, so I improvised. My first prototype was a nightmare attempt at making the phone gnome in the round. Bad idea. This piece is worked flat and seamed up the side because the color changes don’t work well in the round. The “legs”, however are done on DPNs. You could knit them flat if you prefer, but I hate seaming and avoid it whenever possible.
This Phone Gnome is made to fit a Kyocera Marbl phone. I’m sure making adjustments to fit a phone of another size wouldn’t be too hard and you are certainly welcome to do so.
Okay, I’m not sure how well this will translate into a pattern since I was making it up as I went along, but here are the basics to what I did to make this cute little guy:
Main Body:
With blue yarn, cast on 32 stitches onto straight needles.
Work 5 rows in stockinette stitch (knit one row, purl one row).
Switch to black yarn for 2 more rows of stockinette.
Break black yarn and work again with blue. 1st row after belt, reduce by 6 stitches evenly across row. (26 sts remaining.)
Work 4 more rows of blue stockinette.
Now we’ll be starting the beard and hair. With blue, knit 6 stitches, join white and knit 2, K10 blue,
Next row (I think this is 14): P5 blue, P4 white, P8 blue, P4 white, P6 blue
Row 15: K4 blue, K6 white, K6 blue, K6 white, K4 blue
Row 16: P3 blue, P8 white, P4 blue, P8 white, P3 blue
Row 17: K2 blue, K4 white, K2 pink, K4 white, K2 blue, K3white, K4 red, K3 white, K2 blue
Break blue yarn,
Row 18: P4 white, P6 red, P7 white, P4 pink (break pink), P5 white
Row 19: K15 white, K8 red, K3 white
Row 20: P2 white, P10 red, P4 white, P6 flesh, P4 white
Row 21: K3 white, K8 flesh,
Row 22: P14 red, P1 white, P8 flesh, P1 white (break white), P2 red
Row 23: K5 red, K4 flesh(break flesh), K red to end
Row 24: P red
Row 25: K1, *K4,
Row 26: P
Row 27: K1, *K3,
Row 28: P
Row 29: K1, *K2,
Row 30: P
Row 31: K1, *K1,
Row 32: P
Row 33: K1, *
Row 34: P
Row 35: K1, *
Break yarn. Draw tail through remaining stitches and secure. Turn inside out and sew edges together. Weave in all ends.
Attach two beads to flesh colored portion to make eyes.
Arms (make 2):
With blue, cast on 4 sts. Work in stockinette for 13 rows
Row 14: knit
Row 15 : bind off
Using flesh colored yarn, pick up 4 stitches from back of row 14. Work in stockinette for ½”
Take tail from BO end of arm and tack it to the other edge (so that the bottom of the sleeve is more or less round). Sew the cast on edge to the main body so that the cuff is at roughly the same level as the bottom of the body. Weave in any straggling ends.
Put a snap in the middle front and back of the belt, using the scrap fabric on the inside of the body.
With black yarn and DPNs, cast on 24 stitches.
Work 1X1 ribbing in the round for 2”. Break black yarn and join brown
I can’t tell exactly what I did with the feet, but basically it was working back and forth with the brown yarn, doing each foot separately. I bound off 2 stitches per foot in front and one in back. Working back and forth, there are 3 rows then 3 stitches cast onto the front of each foot. 3 more rows in stockinette, then 4 rows in reverse stockinette, 3 more in stockinette, bind off the 3 stitches that had been cast on, 3 rows more in stockinette, then bind off.
I used fabric glue and tiny bits of wood inside the bottoms of the boots hoping that it would make the Phone Gnome able to stand up. It seems to have worked, but if you can devise a better method feel free to use it. Weave in all ends.
Apply the snap fasteners so that they correspond to those on the main body.
If everything went according to plan, you will be able to run the charging cord up between your Phone Gnome’s feet and legs and use him when charging your phone.
I frequently carry a very small purse, though, and the legs add too much bulk at times. So I also made an optional strap to keep the phone in the gnome while in transit when the legs are too much. Basically, just knit a black 12 stitch stockinette strip that is 4” long and put another male snap fastener 1” from either end.
So there you have it. And I hope you enjoy it. :)
© November 8, 2008 Cheryl Eve Self
All rights reserved. Please do not sell items made using this pattern without the permission of the designer. Thank you.
Available as .pdf here.
Monday, October 27, 2008
But the Christmas knitting...
I'll post some pictures here eventually, maybe when it's all knitted up.
What a (insert approproate expletive) week!
Tuesday, things are going as usual; M left for work a little early and I got up a trifle earlier than usual, but that was because I expected the old friend to call and make his refusal official. (He works nights so early morning calls are more practical for him.) He did call, but not until M had arrived home with the news that he was out of a job. Great. Things were financially just about to look up for us since his oldest child will be turning 18 in November, so no more child support and his car will be paid off in December... but I guess that would have been too easy. He did get a reasonable severance package, so things aren't as dire as they would have otherwise been, but it's still not good news by any stretch of the imagination.
Then my phone call came. The old friend said that he would loan me the money after all. As grateful as I was, I couldn't exactly talk to him long since M had just been laid off and needed me. Still, on the off chance that he ever reads this, Bruce, you truly are a life saver.
So M was at home all week, which I both love and hate. It's so hard for me to get any of my usual work done with him here. Still, it's kind of nice having him around. Saturday he had agreed to accompany me on my errands (which I had put off all week). As always, we took his car since it is in much better shape than mine (oh, my poor car... but that is a story of another day). The dry cleaner we use (had to get his suit interview ready) is basically next door to the apartment complex. So we went and picked up his suit and then his car just...failed. I don't know, it's supposedly something about a vacuum leak. Apparently it's okay once it's warmed up. I certainly hope so since he took it today to an appointment with a headhunter. Keep your fingers crossed that it is going well. With any luck he'll have a job by this time tomorrow. God, I hope so. Please.
It just seems like in the time we've been together (3.5 years come Nov. 1) we have had more than our share of crap like this happen. I am so sick of all the drama and waiting for yet another shoe to drop. Oddly, considering the rest of my life, none of the drama has been mine. His legal stuff, his job problems, his freaking kids and ex-wives, his car repossession, his house foreclosure... I must really love him a lot to stay through all of this. Or maybe I just figure that eventually things will have to start going our way. Surely this streak will have to end soon?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I am a designer :D
Bicolour tweed stitch scarf

Hey, that's just what the stitch pattern was called in the book.
By Eve Self
Using MC, CO 35
Row 1: using MC K1, *sl 1 purlwise, K2; rep from * to last stitch K1
Row 2: K
Row 3: using CC K1, *
Row 4: K
Repeat these 4 rows until scarf is desired length. BO using MC.
The only problem I had was when I moved on to my next project. After so many hundreds of repeats of slipping p-wise while making the scarf I found myself forgetting to actually make my purl stitches when I started something else! Oops...
Houndstooth scarf pattern
Houndstooth Scarf

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Time off
We had the boys this past weekend and it was NOT fun. The elder boy has a very distinct and unpleasant personality that I just can't stand. And the younger boy is becoming more like his brother. Admittedly I am not particularly fond of children in general, but with these two it's not just because they are kids, I dislike them as people. They are whiny, disrespectful, lazy and selfish. And they cry if they don't get their way.
The knitting is going well, although I'm not really doing much designing. I'm nearly finished with Tubey . And I'm planning to start on my Christmas knitting after that is complete. I just need a few more inches and then, finally, my first sweater will be complete. I'm also working on a capelet for myself, but that is a far more complex knit and will take some time.
My best friend's birthday is coming up at the end of the week and I need to finish several thinks I've been working on for him so I can get it all in the mail. I miss him so.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Finishing a Hat, Part 2

Now I am working on Tubey from for M's best friend's wife. It's my first sweater and it's going pretty quickly. I just hope she likes it. The yarn is Mission Falls 1824 Cotton that I received for winning the Crazy Aunt Purl contest last year. So far it's going well and much faster than anticipated, even though I've made a few changes and am having to rework the stripes to fit the amounts of each shade of yarn that I have.
My niece's visit was wonderful. She has become such an interesting and well grounded person. I do love her very much.
I've been nostalgic a lot of the time lately and I have a tentative project in mind that melds nicely with nostalgia, so hopefully it will bear fruit. If so, you'll see it here.
Oh, and I'm trying to work my sparse Super Summer Sun Hat notes into a pattern/tutorial that will also be posted here as soon as it's in a form anyone other than me can make use of.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Finishing a hat
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My niece
Yesterday we went out to try to find some school clothes for her. Like me, she is not a little wisp of a thing so attractive clothes can be hard to find. I love that she has her own sense of style and that she is confident enough to express herself with her fashion choices. She didn't find much that she liked, so tonight we will be continuing our quest with a trip to Hot Topic. It's where she wants to go, so that is where we will go, but not until tonight when it is a bit cooler and we can use M's car that I don't fear will overheat or stall if I run the AC. In temperatures over 100*, AC is more than a convenience to those of us who are prone to heat exhaustion.
It is just really nice to have her here. See? I'm not all evil where minors are concerned. Just most of them. And all of them until they are old enough to be somewhat self-sufficient and think past the next few minutes. But my niece is cool. She's at that point where she's not a kid anymore, but she's not quite an adult yet, either; so many her age get lost without a real sense of who they are, but Ash seems to know herself pretty well and she's seen enough crazy and unpleasant that she may be able to avoid most of it. She seems pretty mature to me, but not like she's in any rush to be a grown up. Really, she's pretty amazing to me and I love her very much.
Here's a random pic from the ice cream contest we went to a few weeks back. It's a dog with his matching human.

And here are a couple videos of Cat. Because she would smother me in my sleep if she saw that I had posted a dog picture and nothing of her. (grr... stupid thing doesn't want to finish processing. I may have to try again later.)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
So many things...
I hate, hate, HATE what the current administration has done to this country. George W. Bush and his cronies have made so much of the world hate us, and I can't disagree with them. The man is an imbecile at best and more likely downright evil. His stunt at the recent G8 meeting left me mortified; sadly, it is only a typical sampling of the dumbing down of our nation. People were so incensed that Clinton had sex and lied about it. Sex, whether in or out of his marriage, is not any of our business. This man, however, has gotten thousands of people killed and lied about it. Why hasn't he been impeached??? Gaaah! It makes me so very angry I can hardly stand it.
There is much more I have to say about this and I definitely will, but M just called and is on his way home, so I'll postpone the rest of my rant. (Oh, and the cookies are done and are delish! I use this recipe, but a TBL instead of a TSP of vanilla.)
Buddhism and a day in the kitchen
I bought a bunch of mushrooms recently because they were waaay on sale, but they are so much more than I can use before they go bad, so I combined them with some yogurt, spinach, garlic and dill and threw it all in a blender. It's all frozen now, but the little sampling I had of it before freezing was pretty tasty and zesty. I think that it will be a nice soup stock for making other things.
I need to get back to the kitchen to make some cookies. I promised M some tollhouse cookies when he gets home and he does love it when I spoil him. Heh... I would too. I do miss being spoiled. He is a sweet man, but he's not the most thoughtful guy I've ever known.
I'm considering Buddhism as a way of life. It seems to fit the way I view the universe far more than Christianity never has done. It just feels right. We'll see how that develops.
*sigh* must return to kitchen and make cookies now, and clean up the spilled tea. Oh, and laundry MUST be done today. I really don't mind doing any of that once I get started, but the motivation is so frequently lacking.
One last note for today: I am now (proudly) listed as a designer on Ravelry! I debate with myself whether or not I am truly worthy of the title, but when I saw that one of my patterns from a few years ago was already up on Rav and had someone making it, well, might as well make the leap. I will try to take better notes when coming up with patterns so that I can put them out in case anyone else wants to make them, but I am lazy and a sloppy note taker.
Okay, cookie time. :) Nothing friendlier than a house smelling of freshly baked cookies.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A whole week of no meat
Progress on the top I'm knitting is going well, but unfortunately I don't like the waistband I made, so back to the drawing board on that bit. The bottom of it is really turning out quite well, though.
M is a little sad (although he won't let on) that the boys and their mom are moving further away and we won't be able to afford to see them as often. As guilty as it makes me feel to say this, I won't mind only seeing them once a month. They'll be an hour and a half away instead of the half hour or so that they are now. They will be closer to their maternal grandparents, so that will be nice for them, but I know M will miss them a lot.
What about the things that go bump during the day? Just curious why they don't seem as troublesome to anyone. Aren't they probably the same things that go bump during the night?
Friday, July 4, 2008
teeth of gelignite

Of course it was already uncomfortably hot, but even I found the cars interesting. M and the boys loved it. After spending about half an hour there we headed a block west to watch the parade go by. It wasn't much, but the boys still enjoyed it.

After that it was back home to cool off for a few hours and, as always, feed the boys. It seems like there's no time for much else except feeding times when we have them. They behaved so very well, though, that we decided to go out to the fireworks show tonight. A wonderful time was had by all. (My camera doesn't do sound with the video, but here are a couple of 30 second AVI clips of the fireworks. The rest, if anyone is interested, can be found here.) The park the fireworks display was held in was enormous and although there were more cars than I could even begin to make an accurate estimate of, we weren't crowded at all. There had been a light shower in the early evening which had brought the temperature down nicely. We brought a blanket and some snacks and settled ourselves in the middle of a soccer goal. We had a good unobstructed view of the whole thing. For a change, a really good time was had by all. Even parking was stress free since there was a complimentary shuttle taking us from the lot we parked in across the highway to the field itself. Tomorrow there is an ice cream tasting that we'll probably be going to, so quite the busy weekend for us.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Random update
I'm knitting a summer top. I had an idea in my head, drew a couple of sketches, and then went online to see if I could find something similar. Is it still my design if I take disparate elements from several different patterns, change them substantially but still use them as inspiration, and combine them in a totally new way? I think maybe it is. I'm using the patterns as help in construction instead of as actual patterns, so I think I'm okay here. It's not like anyone will be able to look at my finished piece and say that it looks awfully similar to another one. I'm really looking forward to finishing this one and having my first real wearable that I've designed and knitted. Hopefully my notes will be good enough to make a real pattern from. Pictures as soon as there's something to show.
I planted some herb seeds a week or so ago and they are beginning to sprout. :)
I really don't want to have the boys tonight (or at all) but M says how much he wants to spend time with them... then when they are here no one wants to spend any time actually doing anything together. What's the point of them being here if they are just going to stay in their room on their computers the whole time?
Bad cramps today. Ouchie. I slept on the couch last night with the heating pad and will probably go curl back up with it as soon as I am finished here.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The problem is, I don't really like many vegetables. And no way in hell I'm going vegan. I admire those who can and do that, but my cheese and butter and eggs are staying on the menu, even if the role of bacon will now be played by a tofu substitute. And I do like tofu. I like many legumes as well as fruits and almost all grains that I've tried. So once I finish off the meat that's in the apartment, I don't intend to buy any more. I'm sure I'll occasionally slip and I don't intend to become obsessive about reading labels, but I feel like this is something I need to do for myself, for the environment, and for the animals. We'll see how it goes.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Haircut... and makeup... and Baby Blanket Pattern

I had my hair cut. To most people, that wouldn't be a big deal, but it had been at least 7 years since I had had it done. About 20" were cut off and will be donated to Locks of Love.
That is a lot of hair to so abruptly be gone from the back of my head. Somehow it has changed more than just my appearance. My outlook seems to have changed, too, and all for the better. I feel more competent, more like I did when I was younger. It's a nice change, and so much cooler in the summer. You can't know if you've never had really long hair what a difference it is. I can now wear sleeveless tops or dresses without having to worry about my hair getting caught in my armpits. I don't have to dread the wind or worry about hair getting caught in the car door. I use far less shampoo and conditioner and my hair dries within a few hours instead of the 16 or so it used to take. It looks great with just a brush through it after I get out of bed. It's in a chin length bob parted on the left. Really, I love it.

Let's see, we've covered hair, so let's make this even girlier and move on to makeup now.

So here's the picture of everything... (will be added asap... having problems with the uploader)
(And will have the baby blanket pics and pattern uploaded later, too.)
Not the most exciting thing to knit, but I do like the way it looks. The only part I didn’t like about this was the finishing. Ugh. Soooo many ends to weave in and I suck at that. And the seams are far bulkier than I would like, but as long as the recipients don’t mind. After all, it is a nice warm, handmade baby blanket for someone I will likely never meet. If anyone is interested and doesn’t feel like figuring it out, here’s the so simple pattern I used:
CO 99 stitches in MC (red in my case) place markers on either side of center stitch.
Row 1: sl 1 purlwise, k46, k2 tog, k1, k2tog, k47
Row 2: sl1 purlwise, k45, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, k46
continue alternating rows of decreasing on either side of center stitch and decrease and yarn over on either side of decrease. You can use any number of rows you want for color changes, of course. So my bf would be a little involved (since it is for his coworker, after all) I had him decide that part for me. Mine went like this:
12 rows red
6 rows cream
12 rows red
6 rows cream
10 rows red
6 rows cream
10 rows red
6 rows cream
8 rows red
4 rows cream
8 rows red
4 rows cream
finish up with red
Make 4 of these then sew them all together and weave in those damned ends. (grrr.)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Mother's Day Scarf
Now for some knitting.
Ooh, and a couple free and easy patterns, too!
First is the mother's day 2008 scarf. I had improvised a lacy hat that I wore at Christmas and my mom fell in love with it. Here's a picture, although it doesn't show the lace pattern (and I use the word loosely) very well if at all:

So she loved it and I gave it to her. It is very soft and the yarn is yummy feeling. I had 2 skeins left of it so I decided she needed a matching scarf. This, unlike the hat, I had a pattern for. Or at least a lace stitch from some book.
The pictures just don’t capture the real beauty of this piece. Sometimes the yarn and stitch just
go together so perfectly that the result is stunning.I think this scarf is a good example of that. It’s
lacy, but still has substance and a bit of sparkle.
I honestly think it’s one of the loveliest things I’ve made. I hope my mom agrees when I am able to give it to her. I got the stitch from one of my stitch dictionaries, but I can’t recall which one. It’s shockingly easy, only a 4 row repeat and
nothing trickier than k4 tog tbl. I used 2 skeins,
starting a 2nd piece with the 2nd skein and
joining them in the middle so that the lace wouldn’t be reversed on one side and the gracefully arced ends would be symmetrical.
CO 17
row 1: sl1 purlwise, k1tbl, k13, k1tbl, p1
row 2: sl1 knitwise, p1tbl, p13, p1tbl, k1
row 3: sl1 purlwise, k1tbl, k4tog (yo, k1) X5, yo,
k4tog tbl, k1tbl, p1
row 4: same as row 2
repeat these 4 rows until piece is half of desired length (or as I did, until you run out of yarn in one skein), put stitches on holder, make another one and join them in the middle. I have no advice on how best to join them since I am atrocious at that sort of thing, but obviously the less noticeable the join, the better.
I used Caron Glimmer yarn in Biscuit and US11 needles. I used circs , but that is just personal preference. And here are the pics:

Next Post: a mitered corner baby blanket made with Lion Brand Homespun.
ETA: Yes, I painted the styrofoam head. Acrylic paints. And it now has a blonde Halloween wig, too (I found it while organizing my craft closet. Pictures of that project will be posted as soon as it's finished. A hint: hanging organizer shelves!)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Good groceries
Monday, March 10, 2008
Open letter to my big brother
Dear B,
Happy birthday, big bro. I know things in the family have been tense and strained and that you feel that you have been unfairly targeted, but that is simply untrue. You haven't been behaving well. It has little direct impact on me, but your actions affect people I love in negative ways and that both hurts and angers me.
You are abusive to your kids. That has to stop or CPS will eventually be called. I understand that you have trouble controlling your temper, but those are your kids. They need you to be the adult and to have some fucking control. I had hoped that you limited your abusive behavior to verbal assaults on the little ones, but I have heard tales of you pushing one of them while telling him that he was the biggest disappointment of your life. Wow. And this is the boy who was molested by a neighbor. Did you not think he had enough issues to deal with? Seriously, how could you treat a child that way and think it was acceptable?
I heard that you threw a fit on Christmas Day because you weren't treated with the deference you felt you deserved. You are so incredibly full of your own sense of self-importance and entitlement that it drives me crazy. Why would you expect everyone to wait to eat until you finally deigned to show up? You know full well that Christmas dinner has never waited on me or on Roger or on anybody else. Do you really think that you are so much more important than everyone else?
(Oh, speaking of Christmases past, what about the year you brought your girlfriend's little daughter to our Christmas Eve family celebration which also included your wife and your own kids? Did you, even for a moment, consider the feelings of anyone other than yourself? You may be the most selfish person I've ever known.)
After the fit you threw because people were hungry, you had heated words with our mother. I have no idea what your problem is with her, but you need to get over it. I love her, but I know she's no saint. You aren't either, though. You told her you didn't know how to be a dad since she split with our own father when we were small. Do you actually believe that we would have been better off if he had been around when we were kids? Every parent must figure out his or her own path; you might want to look at the way you're raising your own children and learn to make them the priorities in your life. It can't be easy, but you made the choice to have kids, so you need to be there for them. Do you want them to hate you when they are your age with as much vitriol as you apparently have toward our mother? And even if she did somehow wrong you, you are a grown man. You are middle fucking aged. Get over it!
You have taken advantage of our grandparents and our mom for so long now that you probably don't even see that you're doing so. It infuriates me to see them constantly kowtowing to you. You do know that at least a portion of that is done out of fear and dread, not out of love, don't you? You act like a child and throw temper tantrums if you don't get your way. You expect our grandfather to take care of you and your kids while giving nothing in return.